Logstar Terminal Operation System

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Marine Services

Marine Services

With LogStar Marine solution we offer port authorities and port operators a solution to manage and optimize their end-to-end marine operations. LogStar Marine provides the ultimate collaboration and data exchange platform for port authority, terminal operators and shipping lines. Your customers will benefit from fast and efficient provisioning of berthing, water, tug, pilotage and ancillary services, while you have full, real-time visibility of the service delivery and billing.

With precise information about the arrival, berthing and departure of vessels in your port, you can optimize berth planning and utilization. Furthermore, you have all the information needed for reliable and precise billing, hereby eliminating the risk and cost of manual errors.

The mobile readiness feature of our software helps in operating it from any device and from anywhere. The pilots sent from port can capture all the data on the device like mobile or tablet on the go.  So, it really helps ports & terminals in getting real-time information and optimizing turnaround time.


  • Vessel Codes Management: Port Codes, Terminal Codes, Customs Codes Agent’s Codes, VSA Partner’s Codes
  • Marine Operation Delays: Types of Delays Responsibility of Delay
  • Vessels Schedule Management: Dynamic ETAs, Calls & Sub-Calls, Pre-Arrival Notification Documentation ATA, ATB, ATC, ATD, etc.
  • Vessel Movements: High Seas to Anchorage or Berths and V.V., Between Berths and Anchorages Land to Berth and V.V, Long-Stays
  • Marine Operations Services: Berths (Bollards) & Anchorages, Pilots, Pilot Boats Tugs, Mooring Services & Other (Fresh Water Supply, Bunkering, etc.)
  • Statistics & Reports: Forward Vessel Schedules, Asset Utilisation Reports & Delay Reports Terminal Departure Report (TDR), Vessel Dwell Time Reports


  • Reduces vessel turnaround time
  • Captures real-time service delivery events
  • Enhances your customer experience